Posts Tagged ‘pattern’

Free Photoshop Coffee Pattern

Free Photoshop Coffee Pattern

It’s coffee time! This morning I was thinking about what pattern will be good for today, while I was drinking my coffee. And exactly that gave me inspiration for this post. Today  I present you nice, retro coffee and croissant pattern, which can make your morning at home or at work full.

Snowflake Pattern for Photoshop and Illustrator

Snowflake Pattern for Photoshop and Illustrator

I’ve been busy this last few days, so I didn’t have enough time to find and post some free design resources for you. Due to winter and coldness I’ve been busy with firewood chopping. Since there’s a bit of snow, I need a lot of firewood to myself warm, but hey, I’m not here to talk about firewood. I’m here today to present you some sweet patterns that you can use in your designs. Today’s resource will be this nice snowflake pattern, so I hope that you’ll like it.

90+ Blue and beige seamless grunge patterns

90+ Blue and beige seamless grunge patterns

Did you have enough of free web design resources such as icons? Well I sure did, so I’m not in the mood to post any icons, so I have something different for you today. Sure, icons are great, but they don’t take the key part in our designs, so I thought that I should introduce more patterns todays. I know that I’ve neglected patterns a bit, and the last set of patterns that I shared with you, 4 Camouflage Army Patterns, wasn’t that popular. Maybe you’re just not into army stuff, or maybe you don’t actually need camouflage army patterns in your designs, but that’s okay, since I have three pretty big collections of patterns that I want to share with you.

4 Camouflage Army Patterns

4 Camouflage Army Patterns

I’m guessing that you’re quite tired from all the brushes that I posted these last few days. Luckily for you, today I have something else, and it’s not brushes. After many brushes, I have a set of patterns to offer you, and I’m positive that you’re going to like it, since we didn’t have many patterns here. In fact, the last patterns that we had were 11 Awesome Dice Photoshop Patterns. You remember those? I’m sure you do, but this time I have something realistic that we see in everyday life. Today I have more free design resources for you, so I give you camouflage patterns that you can use in your creations. 
